How to Apply

Our Approach


Achieve close proximity to the issues and community we are considering for support.


Use this proximity to build a deep understanding and expertise of the dynamics and opportunities in play.


Make informed investments based on our depth of knowledge and understanding of context, always balancing risk across all of our grants.


Incorporate lessons learned from each grant into the next.

Who We Are

Impact Stories


The Foundation generally does not fund more than 5% of an organization’s total budget.

The Foundation does not typically provide emergency or immediate funding. We tend to focus on strengthening an organization, and look to achieve a long-term effect.

Yes, we do provide successive-year or multi-year grants, as our funding program is intended to strengthen nonprofit organizations.

First, acknowledge the reason for being declined. If the reason was your organization does not fit the mission, then please do not submit another concept paper. If the reason is The Foundation is currently funding similar organizations, submit a concept paper 12–18 months later.

Once a complete application has been received, it generally takes one to three months to conduct thorough research and review. The entire grant-making process, including initial approach, review process, and grant-making decision, takes about six to nine months.

Yes, The Foundation Staff and Trustees do conduct a site visit. But please do not call. Once the application has been reviewed, a staff member will contact you to schedule a visit.

How to Apply

The Lynch Foundation has a rolling application process that welcomes any not-for-profit organization to submit a concept paper electronically through our website at any time. The application is an open, multi-step grant process and can take up to one year. All proposals should include a concise overview of the organization, relevant program information and describe how the organization shares our mission to create sustainable social change. Once received, The Lynch Foundation will examine the applicant’s merits and inform them of their decision.

For more information about the steps of our process, please watch the videos from our founders on our selection philosophy, and review our FAQ’s. If you have any additional questions, contact us at 617-639-1282 or

Apply For Grant